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Art Theraphy


Our programme has been developed to be an early intervention tool, using art therapy for young people aged 11- 19 years old.


We assist with emotional, educational, social and physical development of young people by safely helping them to explore and unpack their emotions.


Drama and Arts


After five years of delivering educational programs and carrying out various focus groups to both primary and secondary school, we have devised a comprehensive range of programs designed to ensure that young people are fully engaged in education and utilize a wide range of learning techniques.


We have multi–dimensional enrichment programs which use music, art, design and Drama to integrate and inspire children within their school curriculum.



Empowerment Programes


We aim to open up young people’s inner world of imagination, feelings and ideas. In doing so we intend to help young people increase insight and judgment, cope with stress, work through traumatic experiences, increase cognitive abilities, have better relationships with family and friends, and achieve greater self fulfilment. This project aims to use art as a form of expression whilst developing self-awareness and empowering the young person to make constructive life choices.

Rock and Water


The Rock and water program was designed to aid young people who have problems with their social and emotional development, as well as to facilitate young people in making positive life choices.


Rock and Water utilises verbal, emotional and physical development tools. First we use physical experiential learning, followed by time to reflect and talk about the experience.


Lastly we allow the young people to anchor the experience in their own personalised journal.




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